A brief history
Reflexology is an ancient eastern tradition based on the principle that all parts of our body are connected by energy pathways which end in our feet, hands and head. A reflexology treatment uses pressure massage on specific areas of the feet to stimulate healing in the corresponding organs, glands and systems. This releases tension, aids detoxification and helps the body rebalance.
How can it help?
Reflexology is very relaxing and provides an excellent way of releasing stress and tension.
It may also:
Improves circulation;
Cleanses the body of toxins and impurities;
Rebalances the body systems;
Boosts immunity;
Revitalises energy;
Improves sleep;
Reduces stress;
Improves digestion;
Rebalances hormones.
There are many specific conditions that may benefit from Reflexology, please call or email if you would like to understand if reflexology can help you.
what is a reflexology treatment like?
Before the first treatment a full consultation and medical history is taken.
The treatment itself takes place on a couch or, when at home, on a comfortable reclining chair provided by me. The Reflexologist applies gentle pressure to the feet (or hands). I am able to detect small deposits, heat and tensions within the feet or hands which can indicate an imbalance in the body. Working on these areas helps release any blockages and restore the free flow of energy around the body. Slight discomfort may be experienced as these areas are treated, but this is temporary.
Most people feel a deep sense of relaxation during and following a treatment.
Although reflexology is not a diagnostic tool, it is possible to detect physical changes in the body. A Reflexologist may also be able to identify previous or potential problems which may arise in a particular area of the body.
Each reflexology session will last approximately an hour.